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来源:新航道 原创作者:sjzxhd 浏览:0 发布日期:2017-01-12 09:41


8 Easy Ways to Stay Thin八种方式轻松瘦身:

  1. Cross it off. Bring your cell phone on your walk and use the 10 minutes to get something done from your to-do list. Schedule a doctor’s appointment, call a friend, or navigate through a customer service centre. You’ll gain a sense of accomplishment, feel more relaxed, and be less likely to open the fridge. 穿插进行。 散步时带上手机,用走路的这十分钟时间完成你列在计划表上的事情。与医生约好会面的时间,给朋友打个电话,或逛逛客户服务中心。这样你会有种成就感,感觉更轻松,就不太可能想打开冰箱找吃的了。

  2. Head to the local mall. Instead of casually window shopping, walk briskly, pumping your arms at a 90-degree angle to get your heart rate up. Walk from one end of the mall to the other and back. 逛逛商场。不是随意浏览橱窗,而是轻快地走,抬高胳膊使之成 90 度角以提高心率。来回从购物街的一头走到另一头。

  3. Move on up. Climb a set of stairs for two minutes, followed by 30 seconds holding a “wall sit”: Lean your back against the wall and then slide down into a seated position where your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible. Repeat three times. 登高运动。 用两分钟时间爬一段楼梯,之后倚墙而坐三十秒钟:背靠墙壁,然后慢慢降低成坐姿,两条大腿尽可能与地板平行。重复三次。

  4. Pack your bags. Always have your walking gear together in one place so you don’t waste time tracking down your sneaks or a sweatshirt when you’ve got 10 minutes to spare. Include a resistance band in your bag of gear and stop to do lat pulls halfway through your walk: With your

  arms shoulder-width apart, hold the band taut above your head and then slowly extend each arm out another 6 inches. Repeat 15 times. 带上背包。把散步装备集中放在一个地方,这样你就不会在还剩下十分钟时浪费时间到处找运动鞋或运动衫。在装备包里放一个阻力带,散步进行到一半时停下来做横向拉力运动:把手臂分开至两肩宽,紧握着阻力带并举过头顶,然后再慢慢将每只手臂拉开六英寸。这样重复十五次。

  5. Treat yourself. If you usually have a 3 p.m. vending machine craving, take a walk to the nearest drugstore (or drive and park your car in the far corner of the parking lot) and splurge on a calorie-free pick-me-up, like a nail polish or a new magazine. 奖励自己。如果你有下午三点购物的嗜好,就步行去最近的杂货店(或开车,把车停放在停车场最远的角落),花钱买些不含热量的、令你兴奋的东西,如指甲油或新杂志等。

  6. Find an evening activity. Start an active afterdinner routine with your family: a 10-minute gentle DVD game like Dance Dance Revolution or a brisk stroll around the neighborhood. No time? March in place from the opening credits to the first commercial break of your favorite show. Squeeze in your stomach (as if you were trying to fit into a slightly-too-small pair of pants) as you march to strengthen your core. 晚间娱乐。与家人一起举办一个充满活力的饭后活动:一个十分钟的舒缓的DVD 游戏,如“热舞革命”,或在小区附近轻快散步等。没有时间?利用你最喜欢的节目的片头字幕到靠前个商业广告的间隙进行踏步运动就够了。步行时按一按自己的腹部(就像你要使劲穿上一条有点小的裤子那样),这会增强你的心脏机能。

  7. Call a buddy. Make a date to walk together three days a week. Take turns playing follow-the-leader; try things like sidestepping for one minute, which will target your inner-and outer-thigh muscles. 给朋友打电话。 和朋友约好,每周抽三天时间一起散步。轮流玩模仿领导人动作的游戏;花一分钟尝试一下侧步走,这能锻炼你大腿内外侧的肌肉。

  8. Walk to the beat. Create a playlist or choose a favorite CD that you listen to only when you work out. Vary your pace by changing music genres throughout your walking workout. For example, pair a fast Madonna dance song with something slow, like a Norah Jones track. 跟着节拍散步。 创建一个播放列表或选择一个你在锻炼时最喜欢听的 CD。散步时,根据音乐类型的变化改变步幅。例如,把快节奏的麦当娜舞曲和一些诸如爵士歌手诺拉 · 琼斯专辑的慢节奏曲调结合起来。





  schedule v. 安排

  navigate v. 设法穿过

  briskly ad. 轻快地

  thigh n. 大腿

  parallel a. 平行的

  gear n. 装备

  track down 追查, 找到

  lat. ( =latitude) n. 纬度

  taut a. 拉紧的

  vending machine 自动贩卖机

  craving n. 渴望

  splurge v. 挥霍

  pick-me-up n. 提神物

  stroll n. 漫步

  opening credits 片头字幕

  core n. 核心

  buddy n. 好朋友

  sidestep v. 侧步

  playlist n. 播放列表

  genre n. 类型Madonna 麦当娜

  文章选自《用英语点亮人生》/ 胡敏主编


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