来喽,新航道石家庄欧洲杯押注软件下载_欧洲杯押注平台班 小编为大家整理了2021年12月22日托福写作考试真题机经【新航道版】。
Task 1
Topic :
Reading :
thick-head dinosaur 为什么有 dome?
1. 用于 identify 同类;
2. 用于 battle,像 big horn sheep 的角一样;
3. sexual ornaments,用于吸引潜在的 mates,dome 越大吸引力越大。
Listening :disagree
1. related species 也有,因此 domes are not unique enough for dinosaurs to recognize each other;
2. Domes are fragile,容易碎成 pieces;
3. dome 大小只和年龄有关,越成熟 dome 就越大,和 sex 无关。
Task 2 (重复 2021.9.18 下午场线下考题)
Some universities have student leaders who are chosen by other students to perform important duties at the school (for example, meeting with school administrators to discuss problems at the school). If your university required you to choose student leaders, which ONE of the following do you believe is the best way for you to inform yourself about whom to choose?
-Reading articles in the school newspaper about the views of each person who wants to be a student leader
-Listening to what each person who wants to be a student leader says about important issues (for example, in speeches or interviews)
-Getting recommendations from the teachers of each person who wants to be a student leader