在我们的托福独立写作考试中,“学生压力”经常会与学生的“mental health”相结合,成为一个很通用的分论点。接下来,我们结合几个独立写作的考题来看一看
A school has been providing funding for students to participate in three types of after-school activities. Next year the school will only have enough money to continue one of these activities. Which one activity should be continued, and why?
Firstly, it is doing sports that helps students to improve their physical and mental health. For one thing, nowadays, it has become a daily routine for many students to sit in the classroom and to keep studying all day. Such a sedentary lifestyle may lead to several healthy problems, such as obesity, cervical spondylosis, and myopia. However, if schools can encourage and support students to participate in physical activities after school, students can seize the opportunity to exercise more frequently, which allows them to straighten their limbs, improves their immunity, and finally prevents them from those diseases. For another thing, as competition in school is increasingly intense in contemporary society, most students are highly stressed. Under this circumstance, immersing themselves in sweating enables students to temporarily escape from those troublesome issues such as their rankings and grades, which may be the most effective way to de-stress.
A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school require students to take? Why?
Firstly, compared with managing personal finances, cooking is more relaxing for high school students to learn. To be more specific, personal finance courses contain some economics-related knowledge, which is particularly tedious for high school students. However, cooking can bring a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment when students finish a dish with good flavor and share it with their classmates, relaxing the mind of students who are suffering from the overwhelming pressure in schools. My own story constitutes a shining example of this point. Last year, our teacher organized an activity of making dumplings. During the process, not only could we cooperate to knead, roll, and wrap, but also chat with each other. Although what we made looked grotesque, all of us felt proud and amused when sharing and tasting those dumplings together. I deem if such an activity became a routine and compulsory curriculum in high schools, every student would be freed from the struggling study at least for a while.
此题的对象没有说是学生,但是我们依然可以把压力作为我们的一个论点。若选择focus on achieving realistic goals,那其中一个分论点就可以是:脚踏实地的人承受的压力更小。由于realistic goals更容易实现,对于自身来说,不会有很大的心理负担;同时,也不会给身边的亲人朋友造成压力。
TPO本身很多素材可以直接套用, 尤其是听力部分,包含大量易记的实例、研究、观点,表述严谨,用词地道,同学们稍加背诵就可以高效利用在独立写作中,让写作上一个Level。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be successful, businesses must put a lot of money into advertising.
这是一道高频传媒类写作题,在分论点中需要强调投资广告的必要性。TPO19的综合写作听力就能很好套用在本题。其中提到广告是有误导性的,观众不会相信广告的内容:“With buzzing what you hear is just paid advertising, which may well give a person incorrect information about the buzzed product.” 显然,这一点能直接解释商家为什么不应该花钱在广告上,可用。
听力中还提到消费者对于buzz advertising(口头营销)会降低自己的判断力和对广告内容分析能力,进而相信产品的好处而购买产品:“Consumers listen to their endorsements less critically and they may accept claims they would otherwise be suspicious of. ” 这一点可以用于让步段。
Some students prefer to choose smaller classes with fewer students (professors can know each student's name), while others prefer to take bigger classes with lots of students. Which do you prefer and why?
这是近期一道教育类真题,问小班好还是大班好。可以直接套用TPO5Conversation1内容。学生抱怨大课没有互动,上课举手回答问题被教授忽视,感觉很失落因为毕竟自己花了大精力做了预习:“It is so impersonal...for example, in sociology class yesterday, the professor asked a question, so I raised my hands...and I kept my hands up because I did the reading and I knew the answer but the professor just answered his own question and continued with the lecture...Well in a big room, it is possible he did not notice you.”观点和例子都完整给出,不需要调整直接套用。
Do agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should require young children(aged 5-11) to study together in small groups instead of studying alone.
这道题问的是孩子是否要进行小组学习。可以套用TPO4Conversation2的观点和例子。学生提到小组作业中的常见问题:组员没有为团体做贡献的情况下还想得到好处,他们没有完成分工却妄想拿到A,导致她压力非常大,心理也很不平衡:“People seek to get the benefits of being in the group without contributing to the work...They are sitting back, not really doing their fair share of the work, and waiting for an A. It is kinda stressing me out because we are getting close to the deadline and I feel like I am doing everything for this project...”可以用在本题说明 studying together in small groups会造成部分学生变成free rider坐等收成的问题。此外,这篇Conversation还提到会有少数强势的学生为组员做决定而使得其他组员失去发言机会,可以顺手用在本题让步段。
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