I think it's fair to say that there are a few negative aspects.
I'm sure most people would agree that there are some drawbacks.
Of course there are a couple of shortcomings.
I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that the balance
between work and the rest of your life is difficult to manage if self-employed.
I suppose the most unfavourable quality might be that you have to
wait for a long time if you choose to take public transportation.
Unquestionably,the most adverse feature would be that you don't
have so many career opportunities in small cities.
Most people would agree that this is problematic because you don't
have much time to spend with your family.
This is an obvious weakness because there are not many companies in
small cities.
This is a clear limitation because you often need to get somewhere as
soon as possible.
Correspondingly,an additional weak point may be that income in
self-employment is likely to be irregular.
Supplementary to this,a further handicap may be that fast food can
Make people fatter.
At the same time,another stumbling block might be that excessively
large numbers of people working in a single gigantic building overburdens
public transportation。
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