Well in my opinion I guess I would have to say that there are probably
a number of factors involved.
Well in my view,I suppose I would say that there are obviously a number
of motives surrounding this idea.
Well in my estimation,I guess that there are unquestionably a number
Of explanations for this.
Well generally it's my belief that there are undoubtedly a variety of
Justification behind this.
There are probably a number of factors involved.
There are obviously a number of motives surrounding this idea.
There are unquestionably a number of explanations for this.
There are undoubtedly a variety of justifications behind this.
The chief cause might he that sports represent a safe and fair way to
The main basis is probably because driving a car shows the person's
social status.
The key explanation is possibly because tourism can stimulate the local
As well as this,a subsequent factor could be because sports also have a
social function,getting people together.
At the same time,a secondary motive could he that driving his own
car takes him wherever be wants to go.
Additionally,a further rationale might be due to the fact that
advertising plays an important role in it.
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