l 先考综合,后考独立
l 先读后听,再写文章
l 综合写作时间:读3听3写20(分钟)
l 阅读听力可用原词写作,无需改写(这一点很多人不信。但本人亲测过,没问题)
阅读说, 。听力反驳了阅读的观点。
第 一,阅读说_______ 。但是听力反驳了这一观点。听力说,________ 。
第二,阅读说 _______。但是听力反驳了这一观点。听力说,________ 。
第三,阅读说 ________。但是听力反驳了这一观点。听力说,________ 。
阅读:the reading, the passage, the writer, the author
听力:the listening, the speaker, the professor, the lecturer
说 :says, claims, suggests, mentions
反驳:disagrees with, challenges, casts doubts on,
观点:the point, the idea, suggestion, claim
The reading and the lecture are both about the value of television appearances by university professors. The author argues that it is very worthwhile for academics to make such appearances. The lecturer casts doubt on the claims made in the article. He believes that these appearances are not particularly useful.
First, the author claims that by appearing on television, university professors can broaden their audience and will be viewed as experts in their subjects by more people than ever before. The author believes that this can increase their importance as academic professionals. This point is challenged by the lecturer. He says that professors who go on television are viewed by their peers as entertainers rather than as true academics. The lecturer claims that because of this problem, being a celebrity could even affect their ability to get funding for their work.
Second, the author states that television appearances can be beneficial for the universities themselves. It is argued that the prestige of the university is increased when one of their faculty makes a high profile media appearance. The lecturer rebuts this argument. He suggests that universities can suffer because celebrity professors do not have much time for their research and students. He argues that rather than carrying out their duties, they spend a lot of time rehearsing, traveling and getting made-up for their appearances.
Finally, the author mentions that there is a net benefit to the public when a professor appears in the media. It is suggested that television is usually quite shallow and that professors can provide a very useful remedy to this problem. The lecturer, on the other hand, feels that television networks do not want to present meaningful content. He says that the abbreviated presentations that professors give on television are no more useful than what a regular reporter could deliver.
二、 独立写作
l 文章完整:字数300+;有完整的首、正、尾段,不得出现没写完的自然段。
l 内容无错:不跑题、不偏题、不举例不当、不前后矛盾、不逻辑错误、不论证模糊、不答非所问、不问而不答、不段落重复;
通过以上评分标准,我们不难看出,25分及以下阶段的文章,对词句的水平并无高要求,只要别错的太离谱,能让考官看懂就行。通常情况下,小学初中水平的句型就够得25分了,不写长难句没问题。词汇方面,初中、高中和四级单词绝 对够写25-27分的作文了。如果想拿29分或者满分,不仅要能用四六级词汇,而且要用的准,得当,合理,和灵活。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Living in big cities is bad for people’s health.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
第 一步我们需要解题,先将本题所对应的正、反点全部列出,这叫列提纲。如:
第 一,确保思路(也叫分论点,也叫提纲)的逻辑是正确的,从根源上杜绝跑题、偏题、模糊的内容问题。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Living in big cities is bad for people’s health.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 首段:
独立写作的首段其实很简单:引出题目 + 给出观点。
Along with the rapid development of society, increasing number of people live in major cities in. However, in my opinion, this could be accompanied with a lot of health problem.
第 一句,引出题目,尽量改写题目,不要照抄。
2. 正文段1:食品问题
First, there are many food problems in big cities. Most vegetable in big cities is unhealthy, because there are a lot of pesticides or chemicals on the vegetable. This is because, to meet the growing need for vegetable in the cities, farmers have to use lots of pesticide. As a result, the vegetable production increases, but the pesticide is definitely bad for people’s health. Also, there is a lot of fast food, such as McDonald, KFC, in big cities. When people are very busy in big cities, they usually eat this kind of fast food, which is convenient for them. However, most of the fast food are proven to be junk food and are very harmful to people health and fitness.
3. 正文段2:环境污染
Second, environment is also a big problem in big cities. There are a lot of pollutions in big cities, like air pollution, water pollution, food pollutions, unhealthy materials and so on. This pollution is very harmful to health. In most big cities, for example, the running water is not very clean to drink and the dusts and hazes are very common air problems. Even in the house, there are a lot of bad building materials and they are also bad for health. In comparison, the people living in rural areas hardly worry about these problems since rural environment is far better than city environment.
4. 正文段3:缺乏锻炼
Third, there are not enough places for people to do sports in big cities. This is because there are too many people and limited space in big cities. For example, there are too many tall buildings in big cities and living area are crowded, so children and young people have fewer places to play or do sports. Although we can see many parks in big cities, these places are only good for people to relax or do some leisure activities, not good for doing sports like basketball, football or other sports, which requires large area of playing courts. This can also lead to poor health.
本段第 一句,依然是主题句。考生要注意,所有的正文段都要遵循这个“总分结构”,也可以写“总分总”,也就是在单个正文段较后一句来一个总结句是可以的。
5. 结尾段:
To sum up, because of these problems listed above, people in big cities are likely to become unhealthy.
Along with the rapid development of society, increasing number of people live in major cities in. However, this could be accompanied with a lot of health problem.
First, there are many food problems in big cities. Most vegetable in big cities is unhealthy, because there are a lot of pesticides or chemicals on the vegetable. This is because, to meet the growing need for vegetable in the cities, farmers have to use lots of pesticide. As a result, the vegetable production increases, but the pesticide is definitely bad for people’s health. Also, there is a lot of fast food, such as McDonald, KFC, in big cities. When people are very busy in big cities, they usually eat this kind of fast food, which is convenient for them. However, most of the fast food are proven to be junk food and are very harmful to people health and fitness.
Second, environment is also a big problem in big cities. There are a lot of pollutions in big cities, like air pollution, water pollution, food pollutions, unhealthy materials and so on. This pollution is very harmful to health. In most big cities, for example, the running water is not very clean to drink and the dusts and hazes are very common air problems. Even in the house, there are a lot of bad building materials and they are also bad for health. In comparison, the people living in rural areas hardly worry about these problems since rural environment is far better than city environment.
Third, there are not enough places for people to do sports in big cities. This is because there are too many people and limited space in big cities. For example, there are too many tall buildings in big cities and living area are crowded, so children and young people have fewer places to play or do sports. Although we can see many parks in big cities, these places are only good for people to relax or do some leisure activities, not good for doing sports like basketball, football or other sports, which requires large area of playing courts. This can also lead to poor health.
To sum up, because of these problems listed above, people in big cities are likely to become unhealthy.
对比、绝 对词、二选一、三选一题目。下面我总结概括这些题目的写法。
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