1、阅 读 部 分
2、听 力 部 分
3、口 语 部 分
Task 1 重复家考When doing a group project, do you prefer to communicate with other group members online, or do you prefer to work on the project with them in person?
Task 2 学校计划假期升级体育馆,决定关停部分场所。听力同意:1. 假期留校的人一般都在写论文,没时间去锻炼;室外设备仍然是开着的,想去还是可以去
Task 3短期瞬时记忆,过了就忘了
Task 4动物一夫一妻行为的优点 monogamy benefit animals在两种情况下会发生:1. 是配偶难寻时,可以提高繁殖率,举例海马 seahorse因为数量少分布广游动满难以找配偶,所以和他的mate呆在一起;2. 当孩子少时,保护孩子,举例一种鸟因为一年只下一个蛋,父母一直呆看护孩子到独立生存
4、写作 部 分
综合写作 阅读:美国教师培训学校的新提议。1. 可能会减少对教育职业的兴趣2. 不同学校的培训水平可能不平衡3. 家长担心孩子在这些学校注册会落入劣势听力反驳:1. 新系统会增加学校教师数量,因为初级教师有正式编制和全额薪酬2. 初级教师可以在培训学校互相学习交流,不仅仅依赖专家教师3. 常规教师仍是经验丰富的人,初级教师只是增加编制,可以给学生欧洲杯押注软件下载_欧洲杯押注平台:个性化关注
学术讨论 重复2023.9.26Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. Achebe Today, we are going to discuss how successful software and tech products are launched and marketed. When companies launch and market these products, early adopters are important. Early adopters are customers who tend to buy the latest products and like to be the first to try out new features and processes. In today's discussion, I would like you to describe at least one advantage or disadvantage of being an early adopter. Please explain why you think this way.
Kelly One obvious disadvantage is that early adopters probably pay a lot more for brand-new technology. When products first come out, they're often quite expensive, but once they’ve been on the market for a while, the price usually drops. That's why l usually wait to buy new technology.And rew New tech products might not always be more expensive -- sometimes the company will give people a new product at a discount in exchange for trying it out and giving feedback on it. In fact, to me, that's the biggest advantage of being an early adopter - your feedback can guide future improvements to a product. That's a powerful feeling.
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