技巧一: 熟用定位法
2)数字定位(不管是题目里还是答案出现数字,都用数字定位)Paragraph 5 :The coastal hypothesis has gained increasing support in recent years because the remains of large land animals, such as caribou and brown bears, have been found in southeastern Alaska dating between 10,000 and 12,500 years ago. This is the time period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans. It has been suggested that if the environment were capable of supporting breeding populations of bears, there would have been enough food resources to support humans. Fladmark and other believe that the first human colonization of America occurred by boat along the Northwest Coast during the very late Ice Age, possibly as early as 14,000 years ago. The most recent geologic evidence indicates that it may have been possible for people to colonize ice-free regions along the continental shelf that were still exposed by the lower sea level between13,000 and 14,000 years ago.
题目:According to paragraph 5,the most recent geologic research provides support for a first colonization of America dating as far as back as A)16000 years ago
B)14000 years ago
C)12500 years ago
D)10000years ago
题目解析:这道题目是答案里出现数字,通过答案的数字直接定位到文章,A答案16000,文章里没有,暂时先放一下,14000在文章出现的地方有两个。关键句在文章里已用红色标出。First human colonization应该可以追溯到14000年之前。所以应该是B。
原文technical problems与题目里的 technological?inadequacies?想对应
1)事实信息题中以why 开头的题目,考的就是因果逻辑关系。
段落里出现“therefore, due to,accordingly,as a result,hence,as“的时候就代表前后是因果的逻辑关系。
以TPO China Pottery这篇为例
The tradition of religious sculpture extends over most historical periods but is less clearly delineated than that of stone wares or porcelains, for it embraces the old custom of earthenware burial ceramics with later religious images and architectural ornament.
periods,?religious sculpture?is?limited?to?the?ancient?period.
clear?than?that?of stone wares?or porcelains?because?some old?forms?
sculpture?remained uniform?in?form?and?use.
because?religious sculptures?sometimes?resemble?earthenware?architectural?ornaments.
这句话里面有明显的两个逻辑词“but”和for”。已经非常清楚了表明了这个句子两个重要的点,for 应该理解为因为。整句话应该理解为:宗教雕塑的传统贯穿了中国历史的大部分时期,但是它们不像粗陶器或者瓷器那样在历史中描述的那么清楚,因为他包含了陪葬陶瓷的旧工艺,又用到了后来的宗教雕塑和建筑装饰。那么B答案也有非明显的相对应的逻辑词but 和because,直接锁定B答案。然后在看下句子的表达的意思是完全正确的。
3) 句子插入题
以真题“Origins of the Megaliths”为例
Renfrew has studied two circumscribed areas, the Scottish islands of Arran and Rousay, to examine this hypothesis more closely. He found that a division of the arable land into territories, each containing one megalith, results in units that correspond in size to the individual farming communities of recent times in the same area. Each unit supported between 10 and 50 people. The labor needed to put up a megalith would probably be beyond the capabilities of a community this size. But Renfrew argues that the cooperation of other communities could be secured by some form of recognized social incentive perhaps a period of feasting at which communal building was one of several activities.
插入的句子:So it might seem that megaliths could not have been used by an individual community to mark its land.
So 表示结果,结果是这些megaliths 有可能不是一个community在用。那么前面应该会讲导致此观点的原因。D前面“the labor needed to put up a megalith would probably be beyond the capabilities of a community this size”. 修建需要的人手可能超过了一个社区的尺寸(暗示无法完成)。D之后转折讲通过feasting方式解决。
技巧三: 缕清段落结构跟文章结构
修辞目的题的题型简单来说就是考察学生对段落结构的把握。题型会问作者提到的一个example或者文章中做的实验的目的是什么。Example 跟 experiment 的details不重要。最关键要找论点。把握段落结构就能把握住题型。
小结题也就是所有文章的最后一个题型6选3 的题型,所选的答案是要能反应段落主旨的。
否定事实信息题就要注意段落里连续出现并列的地方。答案是选择表达错误的那个,可能是原文not mention的信息或者是跟原文信息表达不符的。那么也就说明其他三个选项在原文都有对应的地方,可以通过排除法来选出答案技巧五: 词汇题题型技巧
1) 词根词缀法
2) 通过词性的褒贬色彩
TPO 1-2-1. The word “championed” in the passage is closest in meaning to A.changed
champion这个词名词的时候是的意思,这里加了ed 很明显是动词用,属于褒义词,那么选项里只有D这个词还是属于褒义词,A中性词,B,贬义词,C中性词
3) 利用句子的逻辑关系去推测单词的意义。
4) 切记不要直接带入,有的时候带入的那个单词意思也很通畅,但是题目的词汇本身是没有单词的意思。词汇题的答案一定要基于单词本身!
A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle.
The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) drop
(B) extend
(C) melt
(D) drift
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