伯明翰大学相当于国内的985高校,如北京大学、清华大学、复且大学等。在国际排名方面,伯明翰大学在 新的世界大学排名中位列前茅,显示了其全球领先的学术实力。
Business School (full time MSc)
MSc Investments
MSc Financial Technology
MSc Financial Management
MSc Accounting and Finance - ACCA Pathway 1
MSc Business Analytics
MSc International Business
MSc Economics
MSc Money, Banking and Finance
MSc International Money and Banking
MSc Financial Economics
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc Management
MSc Supply Chain Management
MSc Sustainability Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MSc Marketing
MSc Strategic Marketing and Consulting
School of Engineering(full time MSc)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Generalist pathway)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Construction Management pathway)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Systems Management pathway)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Operations Management pathway)
MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Project Management pathway)
MSc Railway Systems Engineering and Integration (55 weeks)
MSc Railway Systems Engineering and Integration (52 weeks)
MSc Railway Safety and Control Systems with Integrated Presessional
MSc Railway Safety and Control Systems
MSc Electrical Power Systems with Advanced Research (Two Years)
MSc Electrical Power Systems
MSc Communications Engineering
School of Computer Science (full time MSc)
MSc Computer Science
MSc Advanced Computer Science
MSc Data Science
MSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Law School (full time LLM)
LLM: General
LLM: Commercial Law
LLM: International Commercial Law
LLM: Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
LLM: International Human Rights
LLM: Human Rights
LLM: Global Energy and Environmental Law
LLM: Intellectual Property Law
LLM: Law, Data and Technology
LLM: International Disputes
LLM: Commercial, Banking and Finance
LLM: International Law and Security
LLM: Environmental, Social and Governance Law and Policy
LLM: Law and Social Justice
LLM: International Business Law
LLM: International Criminal Law and Justice
Institute of Local Government Studies (full time MSc)
MSc Public Management
Institute of Applied Health Sciences (full time MPH)
MPH: Master of Public Health
International Development (full time MPA)
Master of Public Administration (Finance)
Master of Public Administration (Human Resources)
MPA: Public Administration
Political Science and International Studies (full time MA)
MA International Political Economy
MA International Relations
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