Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this change? What are the effects on society?
According to the latest figures, opting for science-oriented domains as college majors has seen a pronounced drop in many societies, a growing trend that upends conventional STEM preference. Several factors, some of which are unique to the cotemporary era, make this vertiginous fall perpetuate.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
? science-oriented科学相关的adj.
? pronounced 明显的adj.
? upend 颠覆v.
? vertiginous 令人眩晕的
? perpetuate 持续v.
Body 1
The first of these is mounting uncertainty. Having a degree in IT simply may not be a springboard directly into career; frenetic work force expansion since dotcom mania two decades ago has highlighted recent big job cuts at the tech industry, where behemoths like Google, Meta and Microsoft promised further trimming of labors for more funds into artificial intelligence investment. The second culprit is economic and academic barrier. Monstrously high expenses required for overseas education has kept straitened wannabes at bay, while those wealthy wannabes may find themselves lack of access to learning resources in most cutting-edge domains, notably wafer fabrication, generative modelling and chipmaking. The third factor is a greater percentage of people going back to college, as senior employees are becoming more and more agitated to finish a less demanding major—typically non-scientific—due to the workplace's inflation of academic qualifications.
首先是不断增加的不确定性。拥有IT学位可能并不是直接进入职场的跳板;自20年前的网络热潮以来,疯狂的劳动力扩张突显了科技行业较近的大规模裁员,谷歌(Google)、Meta和微软(Microsoft)等科技巨头承诺进一步裁员,以便将欧洲杯押注软件下载_欧洲杯押注平台:资金投入人工智能投资。第二个罪魁祸首是经济和学术障碍。海外教育所需的高昂费用让那些经济拮据的申请者望而却步,而那些富有的申请者可能会发现自己无法获得大多数领域的学术资源,尤其是晶圆制造、生成模型和芯片制造。第三个因素是重返大学的比例越来越高,因为由于职场对学历的膨胀,高 级员工越来越渴望完成一个要求不那么高的专业——通常是非科学专业。
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
? mounting 越来越多的
? springboard 跳板n.
? frenetic 疯狂的
? dotcom mania 网络热潮, 指1990年代末期至2000年代初期出现的互联网的兴起和发展
? trim 修减v. /裁员 trimming of labor
? monstrously 荒唐地/可怕地
? straitened 经济拮据的 adj.
? keep at bay 远离
? cutting-edge 前沿的adj.
? wafer fabrication 晶圆制造
? generative modelling 生成模型
? chipmaking芯片制造
? agitated 被鼓动的 adj.
Body 2
The result of all this is a chokehold over a country’s strength in science and technology. Unravelling answers to most existential challenges, from outbreak of epidemic and shrinking biodiversity to poverty-induced crimes, could largely rely on intellectual meritocracy, which is often found in decades-old universities and colleges. Without a sustainable pool of science-oriented labor, a less sanguine prospect could take hold, considering a checkered history of underprivileged nations without scientific prowess. Positively though, the low enrollment in systematic inquiry fields is indicative of young people's shifting interests to other fields, such as humanitarianism or liberal arts, which are closely related to public welfare.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
? chokehold 掐脖子/扼制n.
? unravel 解开疑问
? existential 存在主义的
? poverty-induced 由贫穷导致的
? meritocracy 精英领导体制
? sanguine 乐观的
? take hold 开始呈现影响或效果
? checkered 曲折的adj.
? underprivileged 贫困的
? prowess 实力
? be indicative of 表明adj.
? humanitarianism 人道主义
? liberal arts 人文学科
In a nutshell, a waning pro-science enthusiasm for higher education has already have a profound impact on landscape of technology and employment in many societies, and it is estimated that more gaps could be driven between countries.
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
? waning 减弱的
? pro-science 亲科学
? profound 深远的
? landscape 格局
? drive 激发v.
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