首先,在英语的写作中,我们经常发现有很多学生写出的句子有中式思维的影响,读起来貌似讲得通,实则不合理。 学生觉得自己写得很清楚,老师和考官实际对句子意思也心知肚明,只是测试分数就没那么乐观了。比如下面这些句子就有些不妥:
①Unlike writing letters, sending emails is more time-saving , and doesn’t need to pay any extra money.
②Her Chinese speaks good.
③We are possible to find alternative sources of energy.
从以上的句子看来, 我们不难发现这些句子的主语都有一些问题,句子中分句主语缺失,真正需要付钱的不是“写信”而是“人们”。 第二个句子中真正的逻辑主语应该是“she”,因为只有人才可以讲语言。在第三个句子中,成为可能的是“找到可替代能源”而不是“我们”,也就是不定式才是整个句子的主语。 第二个句子和第三个句子属于主语与谓语假对应。
①Unlike writing letters, sending emails is more time-saving , and people don’t need to pay any extra money.
②She speaks good Chinese .
③It is possible for humans to find alternative sources of energy.
其次,由于对于主语 subject 没有明确的概念,所以也不关注单词的词性比如下面这个句子来自学生的一篇作文:The media focuses on problems and emergencies is important.
这个句子的主语因该是媒体聚焦消极事件这件事,所以要做主语的应该是 “the media focusing”, “focus”此时应变为动名词才能满足主语的要求。欧洲杯押注软件下载_欧洲杯押注平台:词性的无意识,估计很多同学也能在自己身上找到相似点。
很多考生喜欢用自己,他人,自己,或者个别的明星做例子,比如下面这两个例子。例(1)中的个人例子没有代表性和说服力,但相比之下例(2)把个人上升到一类人后就比较有典型性和普遍性。虽然很多考生在想例子的时候大多数情况都想到的是自己或者身边的个例,但是在写作的时候要将个例上升到一类人,一类地区或者,提升说服力。比如将I替换结合自己的情况替换成some high school students, some university students,或者some people。
(1)For instance, I like to use social networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find friends who share common interests, and I interact through my computer rather than face to face.
(2)For instance, many people use social networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find people who share common interests, and they interact through their computers rather than face to face.
(3)A common situation is, for example, after a day’s study, young people probably prefer spend their time in front of the video screen instead of homework. Even if they return to their study later, they are too excited to concentrate on their dull homework. After a long period, it’s not difficult to imagine what would happen.
(4)For example, facing these temptations, the adolescents may fail to resist them, so homework and academic performance is sacrificed for a few more hours on the computer or console.
举例子时可以引用新闻报道,政府报告,调查研究,杂志期刊等比较权威和官方的信息来源提升论据的可信度。但很多烤鸭们喜欢在考场上自己编撰数据,这些特别细节的数据反而看起来可信度不高,比如下面的这两个例子。例(6)比例(5)的可信度要高因为它用事实而不是细节的数据去论证, 所以在举例子时要把数据转换为事实。
(5)To illustrate this, a UK government report in April 2017 showed that over 59% of criminals reoffended within 2 years of being released from prison.
(6)To illustrate this, a recent UK government report showed that a large proportion of criminals reoffended soon after being released from prison.
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