1.there is/was a gradual increase in.…. …出现逐步的上升
【例】There was a gradual increase in earnings amongst people with a university degree.
2.there is/was a steady increase in... …出现稳步上升
【例】There was a steady increase in computer use in all categories.
3.…show/begin a steady increase …呈现/开始稳步增长
【例】While women showed a steady increase, male smokers dropped sharply after 1980, but began a steady increase again after 1990.
1980 年,当女性烟民呈现稳步增长时,男性烟民却急剧下降,但在 1990 年后,又重新开始稳步增长。
4....experience a steady rise between...and... 在…年至…年出现稳步增长
【例】India experienced a steady rise between 1940 and 1960.印度在1940年至1960年经历稳步增长。
5....see a steady rise in... 在…方面…出现稳步上升
【例】Following a slump in sales from April to June,Queensland saw a steady rise in spending between July and October.
6....see a steady climb in... 在…方面…出现稳步上升
【例】Apart from a decline in the 31 to 45 age group, overall,
America saw a steady climb from 18% to 40%.
除了 31 至45 岁年龄段出现了下降,从整体来看,美国出现了稳步增长,从 18% 升至 40%。
7....rise steadily to …稳步上升到
【例】In 1990,the number of male smokers diminished significantly to only 13%, whilst the number of female smokers rose steadily to22%.
在1990年,男性烟民大幅下降至13%,而女性烟民的数量却稳步增长到 22%。
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