1.the same...as 和…一样
【例】In 1985,people with a Master’s degree enjoyed the same average earnings as people with a Doctoral degree.
2.similar trend is/was seen in... …出现了相似的趋势
【例】Asimilar trend was seen in Asia.亚洲出现了相似的趋势。
3....average out …达到平均数,达到平衡
【例】During the first period of each year, the figure averaged out to around 300,000 to 350,000 accidents.
在每年的第一段时期,事故的数量大概在300,000到350,000 之间。
4.almost equal that of...和…基本相同
【例】By1999,coffee consumption in China stood at 992 million cups, almost equal to that of America, which stood at 1,090 million cups per year.
到1999 年,中国的咖啡消费量达到 9亿 9200 万杯,几乎与美国持平,美国的消费量为 10 亿 9000 万杯。
5.a similar pattern is recorded for... …出现了类似的情况
【例】A similar pattern is recorded for both the finance and defence-related public sector.
6.the difference in... is very small …方面几乎没什么不同
【例】The difference in earnings of people with different levels of education is very small.
7.the difference in...diminished …方面的不同减少了
【例】The difference in earnings between high school drop outs and university graduates diminished after 2000.
2000 年以后,高中辍学生和大学毕业生的收入差距减少了。
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