The experience I want to share with you roughly happened three months ago, while I was about to catch a flight on Saturday morning.
At the very beginning, I was pretty confident and relaxed, since I had been preparing that examination for a long time.
But afterwards, the moment I realized that I had failed my quiz, there was nothing left in my mind but desperation.
Eventually, I made it, at that moment, I felt that I was on the top of the world.
From this experience, I learnt a lesson, which is I should always persist until I succeed.
unforgettable and memorable 难忘的
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity一生一次的机会
encounter the bottleneck of my study我的学习上碰到了瓶颈
I was rather confused and struggled.我非常的困惑和纠结。
There was nothing left but appreciation and gratitude.我充满了感激和敬意。
He was the first person I turned to for him 他是我第一个寻求帮助的人
There would be nothing more serious than my choice of life 没有比我做人生选择更重要的事情了。
The moment I realized I was enrolled, I couldn't help crying.当我知道我被录取的时候,我忍不住哭了起来。
My family is the source of my comfort,love and support. 我家人是我安慰,爱和支持的来源
I naively thought it would be a piece of cake. 我幼稚的以为这会是小事一桩。
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