据数据显示:中国口语考生的平均分是5.37-5.52之间,口语5.5是较常见的分数,6分被考生视为“达标”,6.5则是“超常发挥”。 大陆地区考生的口语通病主要有以下几方面:
Fluency and Coherence 流利度和连贯性
Lexical Resource 单词多样性
用词不准确,导致信息传递有误; 偏爱“复杂”单词,忽略词的实用性和准确性。
Grammatical Range and Accuracy语法多样性和准确性
Pronunciation 发音
Pronunciation 发音;大量时间攻克单词和语法,忽略发音;元音发音不准确;刻意模仿当地口音,弄巧成拙。
1.词意使用模糊:生搬硬套现象严重,掌握的实用性词汇只能覆盖part1题型;part3每个问题至少出现2-3处迟疑,主要体现在词汇使用的不确定, 且词汇量单一,不能支撑自己想表达的观点;
王XX同学 口语5.5分
王同学在考试中十分努力地拼凑内容,很明显他的表达大部分基于分享自己的经验,没有刻意地陈列常见套路来完成问题,给人强烈communicative的感觉;在cooking 和drinking water话题上,呈现内容被单词和语料限制,特别是在 ‘experience of thirsty’这种类型的问题上,内容平淡,缺乏交流性。
Q: Do you have experience of thirsty? A: Of course. I always feel thirsty after exercises. I will drink lots of water after that.
此问题的考点在于描述口渴的经历,换句话理解,分享一段极其口渴的经历: 时间、地点、做了什么、怎么解渴。
Ex:Actually, I feel extremely thirsty when I spend more than 2 hours in an air-conditioning room. Last winter, i had drunk 2 bottles of spring water after a five-hour class with the air-conditioning on.
陈X同学 口语5分
陈X同学在口语中的表述长度不够,只有40秒;且走题严重。主要问题在于没有理解Cue Card中的目的: 你想写的书。很多对于五大类话题缺乏理解和方法,切入点不正确,或者切得太大。想写的一本书,描述一个自己完全不理解的书籍类型是非常不明智的方法;如果是写一本小说,试问真正考虑过写书的人,对于框架内容都要构思几天几页,凭空编造一段情节用英语表达,是不是难上加难?
I would like to write a novel about historical events in China. It would be really meaningful and rewarding to Chinese people, also I would be able to gain knowledge through writing the book.
Ex.:As everyone knows, writing a historical novel is not an easy job. It’s a book combines realistic facts with imaginations. I have to vision a scene by adding virtual plot in the book. Therefore, doing research is necessary before writing in order to elaborate the details of the contents in the novel. According to the well-known Chinese novels, every single character has the own feature, reflected entirely among the lines of contents. Obviously, it would not be an easy job to do. High quality of writing skill is definitely required on the novel written.
郭XX同学 口语6分
郭XX同学表述比较流畅,单词和语法的准确度也不错,但是在观点呈现上不够饱满,不足以达到sufficient vocabulary。
Q: How can more people become interested in history? A: Exposure is the best way, like TV program or other amusing programs, which could stimulate their desire; the splendid scene shows to the public, which is appealing and attractive. 定语从句指代不清,为了“给单词”而给单词,逻辑混乱,观点不够细致,导致信息不饱满。
Ex: Exposure of Media has made more people get to know history. The most common ground is TV series which are mostly performed by famous characters, and broadcast to the age from the young to the old. Sometimes people just pay attention to the plot of the TV series, and unintentionally gain some knowledge from the plot. Additionally, there are lots of historical exhibition held in some public areas, like in a community or in a university. Long-termed education on history is a current trend in the modern society, and will not be changed in a decade years.
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