Well to be honest I think I would say it all depends.
Well in truth I think I would have to say that it really depends.
To be fair,I suppose I maintain that it kind of depends.
Well in all fairness I imagine that it would depend on the situation.
In fact I guess my answer would be determined by different conditions.
In fact,in all honesty I think I would say it depends on the situation.
2表达"t depends”
I think I would have to say that it really depends.
I suppose I would have to maintain that it kind of depends really.
I imagine that it would depend on the situation.
I guess my answer would be determined by different conditions.
Like for instance,if I have money,and my friends also have time,then it is quite possible for us to go shopping once a week.
You know,to be exact,if I need to relax,then I would probably listen to music in the evening.
More precisely,if I have enough money and free time,then I guess it's quite likely that I would go to the cinema once a week.
More specifically,if I have money,and my friends also have time,then it's quite possible that we will eat at a restaurant after work.
Like,to be more direct,if I am busy,then I guess I will probably just have a hamburger for dinner.
If I have money,and my friends also have time,then I will most likely go shopping with my friends once a week.
If I have money,and my friends also have time,then it's quite possible that we will eat out at a restaurant after work.
Consequently,if I need to relax,I will probably listen to music in the evening.
If I have money and time,then I guess it's quite likely that I will go to the cinema once a week.
Whereas in contrast,if I am broke,especially at the end of a month, then it's more likely that I will just stay at home.
Though at the same time,if I am tired,then it's almost certain that I will just stay at home.Whereas on the other hand,if I don't have money,then it's more likely that I will watch a DVD at home.
Whereas,oppositely,if I am not busy,then I will almost always go to a pub near my house.
If I am broke,especially at the end of a month,then it's more likely that I will just stay at home.
If l am tired,then it's almost certain that I will just stay at home.
If l am not busy,then I will almost always go to a pub near my house.
If I don't have money,then I will most certainly just watch a DVD home.
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