1.stationery 文具
The envelopes and other office stationery are at the top of the bookshelf.
2.steer 驾驶
When l was a kid, about six or seven, she would often let me steer the car alongour driveway.
3.stern 苛刻的
George Washington was a stern administrator , deeply religious , a sticker for rules and a strict military disciplinarian .
4.stuffy nose 鼻塞
A stuffy nose is one of the most commonly experienced symptoms and is more likely to be annoying than other symptoms.
5.termina l终点站(机场候机楼)
Airport Authority officials carried out athorough inspection of the terminal.
6.timber 木料
All this timber was piled up under a large shed, built near the chimneys, and there awaited the time for use.
7.trolley 手推车
When you go into a supermarket,first of all you must pick out a trolley , roll it around from aisle to aisle.
8.uncooperative 不合作的
They were uncooperative,disorganisedand argued and played very loudly to theextent that they were disruptive.
9.underage 未成年的
Just last week Cambodian police raided arecruitment firm and freed 35 underagerecruits.
10.vaccine 疫苗
Last week, the United States Departmentof Agriculture announced that it had ap-proved the first vaccine for it.
11.vacuum 吸尘器
A good stable vacuum must be safe andpowerful and easy to maneuver.
12.vegetation 植被
Looking out of the train window, l spot-ted a pair of camels feeding on the sparsevegetation.
13.venue 场地
The venue is usually the biggest expenseof any wedding.
14.videotape 录影带
After the videotape presentation aboutone third of the audience stayed on tolearn the Convenient Method.
15.visibility 能见度
During monsoon time, when visibility is often reduced to 60 m, the sea is usually rough.
A pair of high heels can be a great addition to any woman's wardrobe.
17.wind tunnel风洞
Almost every structure in the wind tunnel was a one-of-a-kind installation.
18.World Expo世博会
One of the highlights of the 2010 World
Expo in Shanghai was the China Pavilion also known as the Oriental Crown.
19.wrecked ship失事船舶
The wrecked ship was battered to pieces by the storm.
The venture is expected to yield 100 million carats worth approximately $15 billion over the life of the mine.
He's so old that he always forgets to pull up his zipper.
lt is essential that you know how to choose the right breed of dog for your family.
There's nothing but a brick wall behind the door.
Visitors are greeted by a bronze rabbit,11 feet long with ears blown back as if by the wind.
25.bruise 瘀青
ln the dark John bumped into a chair and got a bruise on his leg.
He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.
A year or two later, l made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island.
28.carbon dioxide二氧化碳
He said that it is still not clear whether carbon dioxide is the main driver of this change.
29.catalogue 目录
l grabbed the catalogue and found out what the makers of the doll were up to.
30.cathedral 大教堂
On Sunday morning l'd be back in London, heading off to hear the choir in StPaul's Cathedral.
31.cement 水泥
The carbon cost of making steel, cement,and construction materials is huge.
32.chameleon 变色龙
The chameleon is a very popular type of Lizard due to the fact that it has the ability to change colors based on their mood.
33.charcoal 木炭
Cooking outdoors on a charcoal grill is a favorite tradition all over the UnitedStates.
34.choppy 波浪起伏的
Some walked down to the edge of the waves,trying to skip rocks across the choppy surface.
35.chronic 长期的,慢性的
Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases.
36.cleansing product 清洁产品
This is a cleansing product recommended for all skin types.
37.close-up 特写
The 45-year-old actress waits for her closeup in New York on the set of UglyBetty.
38.commencement 开始
The date on which the project is first pub-lished will be regarded as the com-mencement date of the project.
39.compensation 补偿
This was something of a breakthrough,even if he did not offer compensation to fishermen.
40.conservation 保存,(动植物等的)保护
A state without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation.
41.cramming 填鸭式的用功
Leaving aside special circumstances like cramming for a test, we don't learn well under stress.
42.crocodile 鳄鱼
A crocodile was swimming slowly near the bank with her baby.
43.defect 缺点
The want of belief is a defect that ought to be concealed, when it cannot be overcome.
44.deforestation 森林砍伐
Despite this positive news,the UN said the rate of deforestation remained alarmingly high in many countries.
45.diarrhea 腹泻
Fever,diarrhea,and abdominal disten-tion seem to be late manifestations.
46.dinosaur 恐龙
With remains found in Utah,this dinosaur was more in line with the Jurassic Park stereotype.
47.disguise 伪装
Odysseus and Diomedes went into thecity in disguise and stole it out of the temple of the city.
48.dissertation 论文
He wrote his dissertation on an obscure 16th-century poet.
49.disturbance 打扰
A helicopter landing can cause disturbance to residents.
50.drought 干旱
He told me that this drought has taugnt him a hard lesson: it is too difficult to keep animals.
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