1 a trip down the memory lane 回忆之旅
ing through a photo album is like a trip down the memory lane. 看相册就像是一个回忆之旅。
2 camera-shy 不喜欢照相的
Status Offline She's not normally camera-shy but a tired-looking Sarah Ferguson avoidedreporters on her arrival at Los Angeles airport. 通常情况下,莎拉•弗格森面对媒体镜头倒也无所谓,可现在她达到洛杉矶机场,满脸倦态,就想避开记者。
3 flattering 比真人好看的
Some photos are flattering. 有些照片看起来比真人好看。
4 photogenic 上镜的
I've t a million photos of my boy. He's very photogenic. 我给我儿子拍了好多照片。他非常上镜。
5 lighting 光线
Lighting, composition and a od subject are important to taking od photos. 对一张好的照片来说, 光线、构图和所拍摄的内容都非常重要
6 slip a compact camera in your pocket 在口袋里放袖珍相机
You can just slip a compact camera in your pocket. 你可以在口袋里放袖珍相机。
7 look better in person 看真人更好看
Some people look better in person. 有些人看真人更好看。
8 photography 摄影
Twilight and sunrise are the best times for photography because the light is gentle. 黄昏和日出的时候是*适合摄影的,因为这个时候光线比较柔和。
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