雅思口语#Part2 话题
Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
You should say:
When it was
Where you saw it
What you saw
And explain why you think it was interesting
When it was ?
Where you saw it ?
What you saw ?
And explain why you think it was interesting ?
In this contemporary epoch, social media has become an indispensable part of our lives.
Although social media has a boatload of time wastage content, some of the information posted is interesting.
Last year I watched an interesting video on a social networking website by the name of Instagram. The video was regarding health and fitness. As far as fitness and well-being are concerned, most of the experts give the same kind of information. That is to do regular physical workout, join a gym or dance classes. In short, burn whatever you eat. Since time immemorial, people have been following such advice without much benefit. However, the information provided in this video was interesting. According to the presenter of the video Dr Black the contribution of exercise to weight loss is just 20 per cent. According to her, to lose weight, people have to work on their diet. By taking all meals between 7 am to 7 pm people can maintain a good weight. The information provided in the video was interesting for me because it led to a paradigm shift in my life. Since the information provided was new for me and I had tried all other options. I decided to follow the footsteps of Dr Black.Not only I lost weight, but I became more?energetic. So this video which was beyond the conventional domain was a life changer for me. These days whenever I meet someone struggling to lose weight. I forward the link to this video to that person. So that he/she can also change his/her life.
P3 社交媒体趣事
# Why do people like to use social media?
As per my opinion, the primary reason why individuals use the services of social media is to remain in contact with their near and dear ones. The other prominent reason is to keep themselves updated with the current news and happenings across the globe. Apart from this, social media is a reliable medium to spend leisure time.
# What kinds of things are popular on social media?
Numerous things are famous on social media. However, the most prominent activity is to upload photographs and videos. Moreover, individuals update the current news and happenings they find worthwhile to share. These days, corporates too have realized the importance of using the services of social media. They advertise their products and services to improve brand awareness.
# What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?
The primary plus point of utilizing the services of social media is that through it, it is comfortable to find information, give details and converse. Moreover, it allows us to widen our friend circle and remain in touch with our near and dear ones in an easy manner. On the contrary, the major pitfall is that our privacy gets compromised, and we often get fake information. There are numerous examples where individuals have used social media in an imprudent manner to propagate wrong information. For instance, the recent fake information on Covid Virus led to mass hysteria among people.
# What do you think of making friends on social network?
Making friends through the medium of social media is not at all a worthwhile proposition because it’s extremely comfortable for individuals to create a fake identity on this platform.
kill time 打发时间
blogger 博主
traffic 流量
WeChat public account 微信公众号
exaggeration 夸张
stimulate 促进,激发
buzzword 网络流行语
trend 一夜爆红
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