具体而言,当留预基础段同学回答选择类口语话题时如问题:Do you prefer A or B,常常破壁,为此抓破脑袋。虽然想到很多观点和原因。但是在回答问题时经常一会说东一会说西,对于这类问题回答没有很清晰的章法,不能做到准确清晰的回答问题。想必如果考试碰到这类话题很容易慌了阵脚。另外,很多同学不知道的是,雅思口语官考特别是第三部分的问答也有一大板块就是考察选择问题,一般都要进行双边讨论。是真正考察你口语能力的部分,想要拿高分,搞定这一类型的回答至关重要。到底该怎么做呢?如果你也有这样的疑问,那么好 消息是,留预教材给我们同学们一个非常好的范本,让大家遇到选择类话题不再慌张。
Q:Do you prefer to work in open office space or closed office space ?(三级 P28)
Q:Do you prefer to work in open office space or closed office space ?(三级 P28)
A: As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to work in the closed office space because it offers more favorable condition to work. I mean, I can have my own space. In this case, it is easier for me to totally concentrate on my work and projects. On top of that, working in closed office helps me become more inspired and productive.
On the contrary, open office has a lot of disadvantages, by which i mean, if i work in an open work space, i would be easily distracted by the ambient noise made by colleagues. In addition, there is no way to have certain privacy for an individual, that means, with all the colleagues sitting around,I might get even a little bit nervous for I’m afraid that I might be peeked or overheard when I am working there.
I suppose that’s why I’m more into...
As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to...because...I mean...on top of that...
On the contrary, ...has a lot of disadvantages. By which i mean,... In addition,..
I suppose that’s why I’m more into...
下面,为了更直观的指导我们在雅思口语的问答,我们试着用相同的方法知道回答雅思口语中这类: Do you prefer A or B的口语问题。
Example 1-Question: Do you prefer to study alone or with others?
As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to study with others because it can make me more productive and efficient, I mean, studying with others enables me to draw something useful from them through discussion and communication, which helps correct some of my bad studying habits. On top of that, It is also a good way to cultivate teamwork spirits and possibly form friendship.
On the contrary, for me, studying alone has a lot of disadvantages, by which i mean, It is easy to get bored and distracted during long hours of learning. Without anyone to talk to, I may look for something fun on the cellphone and internet, which will definitely drag time and make me procrastinated. In addition, studying alone isn’t good for team spirits development and skills-forming.
I suppose that’s why I’m more into group learning.
Example 2-Question: Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?
As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to live in the urban area because it can offer me a better and more comfortable life, i mean, they're numerous facilities like cinema, shopping malls and parks, which means i can have much fun with them like watching a movie, eating out in the fine restaurant or even hanging out in the shopping outlets. On top of that, city provides me more working opportunities. Also, it’s very likely that I may land a higher-paying job in the metropolis like Shenzhen than i could in the county.
On the contrary, living in the countryside has a lot of disadvantages, by which i mean, it can be full of poverty and hunger which is truly pathetic. In addition, It’s not possible to have easy access to advanced transportation as well as education due to the lack of resources.
I suppose that’s why I’m more into living in the city.
从以上三个例子可以看出,留预课程中除了学习实用的短语表达,其实仔细研究就会发现每一节课你可能都是在回答雅思或者是托福的相关口语话题练习。建议大家一定不要忽视日常练习口语的机会,善于总结。此次针对,选择类A或者B 的练习逻辑思路很简单,选择对象,陈述理由加上细节和解释。不要忘记的是,另一方的出现也需要适当提及反向观点以及为什么没有选择的理由。这样回答问题才算回答完整了。换句话说,从莫种程度上,满足的考官对于反向观点拓展的期待。勤练习,勤开口,多反思,坚持下去,一定会说一口流利的口语!!!
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