在雅思口语考试的“形形色色”的话题中,地点,人物,物品,事件(旅行)我们都会或多或少涉及到颜色的描述,你们还在赤橙黄绿青蓝紫吗,除此之外还可以如何升级你的表达呢,我们来看一下吧, 首先我们看一个相关的雅思口语话题。
Describe a place you went to that was full of colors.
You should say:
where it was
why you went there
what you did there
and explain why you think this place was made so colorful.
我们看到了很多不同的颜色 我们来学习一下,今天的香港有什么色彩斑斓的地方呢?大家当成旅游攻略去看也不错~
Hong Kong is a feast for the eyes (and stomach, of course) – almost every single corner is extremely photogenic! It is one of the most vibrant cities in the world, so it should come as no surprise that Hong Kong is home to a plethora of multicolored places.
个词组 a feast for the eyes 视觉盛宴,当然也是味觉盛宴 a feast for the stomach
香港的每一个角落都极其 photogenic 上镜的,适合拍照的。
作为最繁华的城市之一,Hong Kong is home to a plethora of multicolored places. 香港拥有巨多色彩斑斓的打卡胜地。今天我们分享两个must-see 必打卡的多彩之地。
站也是当之无愧的色彩斑斓之地,维多利亚港 Victoria harbor
Victoria Harbour lights up after dark and is one of the most stunning skylines in the world.
During the summer months, the harbour is the focus of festivals, shows and music.
A Symphony of Lights is a famous laser lights and music show in Hong Kong. Through interactive lighting and music show, it shows the vibrancy and glamorous night view of the city.
第二站 No.2 The Blue House Cluster in Wan Chai 湾仔蓝屋建筑群,不但有颜值,而且有历史。
The cluster is made up of 3 brightly coloured buildings (blue, yellow and orange), all built between the 1920s and 50s. In a city like Hong Kong that is full of skyscrapers and constant urban development, the conservation of these heritage sites is increasingly critical.
表达明亮的颜色 bright, vivid, brilliant, vibrant, glowing, flaming, flamboyant
那么还有其他修饰颜色的词汇么?Watery, washed-out, tinged, somber, pale
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